Ranking the 16 Myers Briggs Personalities by their "True" Mental Age
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#16personalities #mbti #myersbriggs
0:00 What is Mental Age
0:16 ISTJ
0:31 ISFP
0:52 ENTP
1:07 INTJ
1:29 ESTP
1:54 ESFJ
2:40 ISTP
3:06 ENTJ
3:46 ENFP
4:44 INFP
5:25 ESFP
6:10 ESTJ
6:40 INFJ
8:25 ISFJ
8:59 ENFJ
9:16 INTP
9:53 Tiebreaker 1
10:26 Tiebreaker 2
10:58 Tiebreaker 3
11:22 Tiebreaker 4
11:38 Tiebreaker 5
12:13 The Last Type