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Will you be Raptured or Abandoned? Rev. Young-min Park explains the prophesies in the Bible in relation to rapture and what we must do to prepare for the Coming of Jesus.
When is the Rapture? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S2hn5nszWk
Matthew 24:40-42
1. The words of prophecy written in the Bible must be fulfilled.
See 1 Thessalonian 4:16-18.
"The Lord will come down from heaven personally with the sound of the command and the archangel, and the trumpet of God, that the dead will rise first in Christ, and then the remaining ones of us will be brought up into the clouds with them, and that we will always be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words." I say.
Now, the history of humanity is running its way through the apocalypse.
The end of humanity must come. Forgetting this fact cannot be an apocalyptic, and of course all the evidence in the Bible loses its legitimacy. So when will that end come?
We must resist the temptation to interpret this apocalypse in a worldly way.
The Bible reveals clear truths about the end of humanity, so we need to find all that evidence in the Bible. The words of the Bible's prophecies have been fulfilled and fulfilled so far. The prophecies recorded for the last time will also be fulfilled 100%.
2. The greatest success of life is to become a rapture.
See Matthew 24:40-42.
"At that time two men would be in the field, and one would be taken away, and one would be abandoned. And two women are milling, and one will be taken away, and one will be abandoned. Therefore, be awake and ye do not know which day your Lord will come." I say.
On the last day the Lord descends into the air, Christians are called to the air, and this is said to be a dormant. In Korean, it is "chisel hugh" and "lifted".
The word Rapazo is spoken in Latin, and in English it is Rapture, which means "snatch and climb."
Whether it's your success or failure depends on one event.
This is the rapture the Bible says. Will it be a rapture? Will it be left behind?
This question is for all the life of the last life.
If your feet fall to the ground and go up into the sky in a rapture you are a success. However, if your feet are abandoned without falling to the ground, you are a miserable loser.
3. Let us discern the times and wake up and wait for Jesus to come again.
See Luke 21:10-11.
"And he said, There shall be great earthquakes, famines, and epidemics everywhere, and great signs from the terrible things and heavens that the nation shall rise up against the nation and the nation." He says,
The epidemic that threatens the current strife, the political situation in the New World Order of the world government, the wcc and religious integration movement and the apostasy of the Church, the conflict between Iran and Israel, the completion of the biometric system, the completion of the construction of a third temple, famine, economic collapse, weather events, earthquakes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and more are all signs of a break-up and tsunami.
See Matthew 24:14.
"This gospel of heaven shall be preached to all the world to be witnessed to all peoples, and the end of the night shall come." I say. The gospel is being witnessed throughout the nations.
See Romans 11:25-27.
"Brethren, I do not want you to know this mystery, saying that ye are wise for themselves, that this mystery has become clueless to some of Israel until the fulness of the gentiles comes in, and all Israel will be saved." I say.
The Apostle Paul tells the mystery of saving all Israel when the full number of Gentiles is full.
Sharing: Sharing the grace we received from today's talk
Let us pray together for the rapture and pray together for the sel family, the church community, and the pastor.