The first feature film about the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a dramatic disaster film directed by Mikhail Belikov in co-production of the USSR and the USA. It was the participation of American producer Peter Almond that ensured “Disintegration” received wide international distribution. The film's world premiere took place on September 13, 1990 at the Toronto International Film Festival. To date, the film occupies 65-67th position in the list of the 100 best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema.
The film tells about human destinies against the backdrop of a nuclear power plant accident, the scale of which is deliberately kept silent by the state. April 25, 1986. Journalist Alexander Zhuravlev returns to his native Kyiv. He does not know that tomorrow his life and the lives of everyone dear to him will change forever. The scale of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is carefully concealed, but gradually a cloud of panic and fear covers people in a festive mood. Something terrible has happened, and Alexander is trying to penetrate the curtain of secrecy, but now he, like many thousands of people, is only a helpless witness to the catastrophe, a victim of lies and cold-blooded silence...
Creative Group:
Stage director: Mikhail Belikov;
Scriptwriter: Mikhail Belikov, Oleg Prikhodko;
Director of photography: Vasily Trushkovsky, Alexander Shigaev;
Production designer: Inna Bychenkova, Vasily Zaruba;
Composer: Igor Stetsyuk;
Cast: Sergey Shakurov, Tatyana Kochemasova, Georgy Drozd, Alexey Serebryakov, Marina Mogilevskaya, Alexey Gorbunov, Stanislav Stankevich and others.
The metaphor of the film is quite transparent - not as environmentally friendly as political. The film's story is not so much about the "decay" of radioactive substances, but about the erosion of human relationships and the collapse of a cynical state apparatus. Chernobyl became not only a symbol of the ineffectiveness of Soviet socialist rule, triggering social and political transformations in the region, but also a key element of the collective memory and national history of independent Ukraine, one of the fundamental aspects of Ukrainian identity.
The film was nominated at the Venice International Film Festival in the “Golden Lion” category for best film, won the Venice International Film Festival in the category “Gold Medal of the President of the Senate”, as well as the Grand Prix of the Santander International Festival of Environmental Film and Television Films.
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