In this video, my friend Cope and I discussed all of the chapters in Dead by Daylight's history based on the impact they had on game both short and long term! This should be a really interesting watch for anyone that wasn't around the release of many older chapters.
Check out Cope: @CopeDBD
0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:53 The Last Breath (Nurse)
0:05:17 Halloween (Myers)
0:07:26 Of Flesh and Mud (Hag)
0:10:20 Left Behind (Bill Overbeck)
0:12:27 Spark of Madness (Doctor)
0:14:30 A Lullaby for the Dark (Huntress)
0:18:22 Leatherface (Cannibal)
0:20:37 Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy)
0:24:28 Saw (Pig)
0:28:49 Curtain Call (Clown)
0:33:31 Shattered Bloodline (Spirit)
0:38:11 Darkness Among Us (Legion)
0:42:47 Demise of the Faithful (Plague)
0:46:21 Ash vs Evil Dead (Ash)
0:51:01 Ghost Face (Ghostface)
0:54:50 Stranger Things (Demogorgon)
0:58:45 Cursed Legacy (Oni)
1:01:00 Chains of Hate (Deathslinger)
1:06:11 Silent Hill (Pyramid Head)
1:13:50 Descent Beyond (Blight)
1:18:25 A Binding of Kin (Twins)
1:24:56 All Kill (Trickster)
1:29:30 Resident Evil (Nemesis)
1:32:38 Hellraiser (Cenobite)
1:39:55 Hour of the Witch (Mikaela Reid)
1:47:49 Portrait of Murder (Artist)
2:01:29 Sadako Rising (Onryo)
2:06:42 Roots of Dread (Dredge)
2:16:59 Resident Evil: Project W (Wesker)
2:21:06 Forged in Fog (Knight)
2:28:39 Tools of Torment (Skull Merchant)
2:36:42 End Transmission (Singularity)
2:47:17 Nicolas Cage
2:50:02 Alien (Xenomorph)
2:56:19 Chucky (Good Guy)
3:00:03 Alan Wake
3:02:22 All Things Wicked (Unkown)
3:13:36 Conclusion & Personal Favorite Chapter?
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