this video is about train travel of 122DN RAVI EXPRESS
RAVI EXPRESS is a daily train from shorkot cantt to Lahore and vice versa
I travelled on Ravi express from Lahore to Shorkot on 15 May 2022, Lahore to shorkot cantt fare is 370/Rs
train departs at 3:30 pm and reached Shorkot cantt by 10:00 pm
it take main line 1 (Lahore to Shahdara bagh)
then divert on Shahdara bagh-Sangla Hill branch line,
aftfer reaching Shaikhupura ravi exp divert on Shaikhupura-Shorkot branch line, at this route train passed through Warburton, Buchiana, Jaranwala, Tandlianwala, Kanjwani, Nankana sahib, Mamukanjan, Kamalia and Pir Mahal,
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Video filmed & edited on, Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium #sonyxperia #sony