Finding some Huge Razor clams, one razor clam at a time. Razor clamming with Remi my Golden Retriever for a quick razor clam limit. Razor clam digging with my basic razor clam gun. These are Pacific Razor Clams at Sunset beach. This is probably my favorite clam when it comes to clam digging. Once you locate a razor clam and start digging, you have to be quick! Razor clams are fast diggers, using that massive powerful foot of theres to dig further into the sand. This trip was a lot of fun and it was nice to finally get Remi back out to the beach and on film. I know she had a lot of fun.
If your'e new to catching razor clams, and still trying to figure out how to catch razor clams or what to look for on the beach, you will notice in the video that i point out what it is that i'm looking for as well as seeing.
once you get it figured out, razor clam digging can be a lot of fun for the whole family. Thanks for watching and best of luck out there!
Intro Music:
Rhastafarian by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.