किसी भी Readymade कुर्ती को घर पर कैसे fitt करें, Easy way to fit kurti, Alternative, Resizing
Hello everyone 👋
In this video you will learn how to fit any readymade kurti #kurtifitting #kurtistitching #suit
Chain/zipper kese lgaye:- https://youtu.be/f5Q4-mGJ06E
kurti cutting and stitching:- https://youtu.be/FQrhg3kvKaI
sleeves design with loops:- https://youtu.be/s3kzCVYNRRU
kurti ki cutting kese kre:-. https://youtu.be/2x--M6WJKXg
Also subscribe to my second channel Rukhstar:- https://www.youtube.com/c/RukhStar
Holy book cover :- https://youtu.be/wYRPBIbkcyo
Simple neck cutting and stitching:- https://youtu.be/PCmc7HOnAHk
Salwar cutting and stitching:- https://youtu.be/vKjQ6hdEGSc
Cutting and stitching of sleeves:- https://youtu.be/UCDAviVlnS0
Neck design :- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj5OKAO7Q01jP9Ehbqc4S26eCaNrLBtuG
playlist neck design:
Neck design making, cutting and stitching:- https://youtu.be/tEMinWhXse8
बची हुई लेस का खूबसूरत इस्तेमाल करना सीखें:-
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Rukhstar:- https://instagram.com/rukh.star?igshid=1j5hbo4mwyzrj
Cut n stitching styles
Facebook page:- http://facbook.com/CutnStitchingStyles
Instagram :- http://instagram.com/cut_n_stitching_styles
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