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여러분 안녕하세요 😍
날씨가 계속 비가 왔다리~갔다리~ 하는데 심한 더위는 이제 간것 같아요!
곧 9월이니 시원해지겠죵? 오늘 아침 공기가 확실히 다르더라구용 !
저는 가을이 좋아요..❤️ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
여러분 오늘은 ~ 파스타 먹고싶어서 파스타와 네네치킨의 청양마요 순살치킨으로
주문헀어요!! 파스타는 크림파스타인데 매콤한게 먹고싶어서 !
쉬림프 매콤 크림파스타로 주문헀어요! 처음 주문한 곳 이었는데
여기가 파스타 집이 아니고, 샐러드 판매하는 곳인데 크림파스타, 매콤 크림파스타 두가지를 판매하더라구요!
후기가 좋아서 주문했는데....요거 영상찍고 맛있어서 또 주문해서 먹었어요 !!ㅋㅋ
꾸덕한 파스타를 찾고 있었는데 ~ 완전 꾸덕하고 매콤하면서도 느끼한 ~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
걍 딱 제가 찾는 파스타여서 너무 만족하면서 맛있게 먹었습니다 ❤️
파스타만 먹기 아쉬워서 치킨도 함께 먹었는데 ! 궁합이 너무좋았어요 !!👍🏻👍🏻
둘다 적당히 매콤하면서도 크리미해서 !!맛있었어요 ❤️❤️
Hello everyone 😍
The weather has been raining and not raining, but I think the severe heat is gone now! It'll be cool since it's September soon, right? The air was definitely different this morning!
I like fall.❤️
Everyone, today... I want to eat pasta, so I'll eat pasta and boneless chicken
I ordered it! Pasta is cream pasta, but I wanted to eat something spicy!
I ordered shrimp spicy cream pasta! It was the first place I ordered
This is not a pasta restaurant, it sells salads, but it only sells two kinds of pasta!
I ordered it because the reviews were good. Even after filming the video, it was delicious, so I ordered it and ate it!
I was looking for a deep cream pasta. It's deep, spicy, and greasy
It was the pasta that I was looking for, so I was very satisfied and enjoyed it ❤️
It was too bad to eat only pasta, so we ate chicken together! It was a great combination!👍🏻👍🏻
Both are moderately spicy and creamy!It was delicious ❤️❤️
#파스타먹방 #치킨먹방 #크림파스타 #로제파스타 #매콤크림파스타 #pasta #mukbang #asmr #까르보나라
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Youtube channel "freeticon" : https://www.youtube.com/c/Freeticon