Today Jeremy applies to be an FBI informant. He get's a full pat down, item search and physical exam. Click more for a fun fact about us!
Fun Fact #92 - We just ordered another video camera so that we can get *slightly* higher quality footage! Our phones just give a weird glare. But it’ll still have those early ASMR lo fi vibezzzz.
Our Patreon is now live! -
There's an exclusive video up now. All our Patreon earnings are going into our wedding fund! Thank you for your support.
Why did we start this channel? I've struggled with resting and dealt with anxiety for my entire life. This channel is part of my journey to better sleep. Here's what we're currently using on our sleep journey (note some of these links may be affiliate links to help support the channel).
What I use to prep myself for bed: Celeste sleepytime tea -
What we sleep with: Manta Mask -
Weighted blanket we love: Luxome -
Cooling mattress pad we use: Chili Sleep -
Want to start your own channel? Here's the equipment we use:
Microphone -
Point and shoot camera -
i-phone (camera) -
Lights -
I-phone tripod -
Camera tripod -
0:00 - Pat down
17:11 - Item search
19:57 - Informant exam
*Disclaimer: We are not professional doctors, security or any other role we play in these videos. This video is for relaxation purposes only. Do not take any medical advice from this content.