Today Jeremy gets a skin mapping done on his back. I use magnifying glass and light to examine moles, blemishes and scars. I take some skin molds and measure for symmetry. The audio gods are still not in our favor. We lost a mic at about 15 min. Hopefully you can still enjoy our back up mic and we will keep working to figure out our issues. Click more for a fun fact about us!
Fun Fact #62 - Today Chili is getting to see his best dog friend! It’s a lot of slobbering and running around like mad men since they can’t hang too often! We will put some video up on IG.
Why did we start this channel? I've struggled with resting and dealt with anxiety for my entire life. This channel is part of my journey to better sleep. Here's what we're currently using on our sleep journey (note some of these links may be affiliate links to help support the channel).
What I use to prep myself for bed: Celeste sleepytime tea -
Why I like it: Whether it's placebo or not, one taste of this tea literally makes my eyes droop. I've been drinking it 35 minutes before bed for 10 years.
What we sleep on: Sweetnight Mattress -
Why we like it: More firm than soft, offering good support and staying cool so we can drown ourselves in blankets.
What we sleep with: Manta Mask -
Why we like it: Helps with the light pollution and prevents me from looking at my phone in the middle of the night if I wake up.
Want to start your own channel? Here's the equipment we use:
Microphone -
Point and shoot camera -
i-phone (camera) -
Lights -
I-phone tripod -
Camera tripod -
*Disclaimer: We are not professional doctors, security or any other role we play in these videos. This video is for relaxation purposes only. Do not take any medical advice from this content.