Haji Mukhtar Ahmed Araien Retd DSP migrated from Shahbad.
Shahbad is a Village in Batala Tehsil in Gurdaspur District of Punjab State, India. It is located 32 KM towards South from District head quarters Gurdaspur. 3 KM from Batala. 220 KM from State capital Chandigarh
Shahbad Pin code is 143506 and postal head office is Govt. Poly. Tech Batala .
Ujjagar Nagar ( 2 KM ) , Greater Kailash ( 2 KM ) , Dhupsari ( 2 KM ) , Jharia ( 2 KM ) , Urban Estate ( 2 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Shahbad. Shahbad is surrounded by Qadian Tehsil towards East , Dhariwal Tehsil towards North , Srihargobind Pur Tehsil towards East , Fatehgarh Churian Tehsil towards west .
Batala , Qadian , Gurdaspur , Mukerian are the near by Cities to Shahbad.
This Place is in the border of the Gurdaspur District and Amritsar District. Amritsar District Majitha-3 is west towards this place.
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