Fun & Interesting

Rebecca Akt 1 NAPISY PL

Wiedeńskie musicale - tłumaczenia 1,080 lượt xem 3 years ago
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Song list:
1. Prolog/Ich hab geträumt von Manderley - Prologue/I dreamt of Manderley
2. Du wirst niemals eine Lady - You will never be a lady
3. Er verlor unerwartet seine Frau, Rebecca - He lost unexpectedly his wife, Rebecca
4. Am Abgrund - At the abyss
5. Zeit in einer Flasche - Time in a bottle
6. Die neue Mrs. de Winter - New Mrs. de Winter
7. Sie ergibt sich nicht - She will not surrender
8. Die lieben Verwandten - Dear relatives
9. Bist Du glücklich?/Bist Du böse? - Are you happy?/Are you angry?
10. Hilf mir durch die Nacht - Help me through the night
11. Was ist nur los mit ihm? - What's wrong with him?
12. Sie war gewohnt, geliebt zu werden - She was accustomed to being loved
13. Unser Geheimnis - Our secret
14. Rebecca - Rebecca
15. Wir sind britisch - We are British
16. Sie’s fort - She's gone
17. Gott, warum? - God, why?
18. Ehrlichkeit und Vertrauen - Honesty and trust
19. Ball von Manderley - Ball of Manderley
20. I'm an American Woman
21. Heut Nacht verzaubere ich die Welt - Tonight I'll enchant the world
22. Finale Erster Akt - Finale of the first act
Maxim de Winter - Uwe Kröger
Ich - Wietske van Tongeren
Mrs. Danvers - Kerstin Ibald
Beatrice - Kathleen Bauer
Jack Favell - Ramin Dustdar
Frank Crawley - André Bauer
Mrs. van Hopper - Carin Filipčić
Ben - Norberto Bertassi
Missing scenes:
At the very beginning:
ICH: I dreamt of Manderley.
SHADOWS: Mouldering stones and black facades,
so eerie and wonderful.
Shadows of the night before which we fled,
whispering about what was.
ICH: And the moon shines bright and the lilac's scent
is so sweet and full of longing.
And like then, there's misfortune in the air
but today it doesn't scare me anymore.
After "Time in a bottle":
MAXIM: Better keep the bottle closed, sometimes there is a demon inside.
ICH: Oh, Maxim. It's so good to see you once more.
MAXIM: What does it mean?
ICH: Mrs. van Hopper wants to leave. We're going to New York.
MAXIM: And you accompany her?
ICH: I have to. You know that I'm employed by her. I can't afford to be picky.
MAXIM: Well, Mrs. de Winter wants to go home. Me too. She goes to New York, I to Manderley. Where do you want to go? You can choose.
ICH: Please, Maxim! Don't joke. Don't make it even harder for me.
MAXIM: I never joke before breakfast. Decide. New York or Manderley.
ICH: Does that mean you offer me a job of a secretary or something?
MAXIM: No, silly. I'm asking you if you want to marry me.
ICH: You're asking... what?
MAXIM: I want you to be my wife. What do you think about it?
ICH: I...don't know. I don't belong to your world.
MAXIM: So it's a no then. And I thought you loved me.
ICH: But I do. I love you. I love you to death!
MAXIM: You'll like Manderley.
After "Our secret":
MRS. DANVERS: Beautiful here, right? Look about carefully. Mrs. de Winter's room. A wonderful plsce.
ICH: Yes. Very lovely. But a bit scary.
