As Christmas approaches we are back to Steve Strebel's rebuilding of his amazing "O" scale model railroad. The new section is On30 where the old parts of the railroad are On3.
We are back to Steve's layout to check on the rebuilding and new construction of his layout. After 40+ years of work on the layout, he suddenly decided to tear it down, sell it off and move out of state. But after hip surgery, he opted to rebuild it instead! The new layout will be all at bench height, no more than 30 inches from an aisle and everything easy to get to.
Yet the new railroad is already shaping up to be another world-class model railroad. Steve is perhaps best known for his scratch-built structures, his old railroad having about 150 of them. Most of these he sold when he tore down the layout after Al's death.
Steve is scratching building new structures, and also keeping any structures he had not sold, AND reusing structures from his old MRS layout. Also using quite a few structures built by Al Badham before his sudden death 2 years ago.