In today's morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda defines the term Chidambara, or Chid Akasha. Each of us has Chidambara. It is the dimension of inner space which we feel belongs to us, which we own and command. Within the boundary of Chidambara we take responsibility for our lives. Whatever we feel powerless about in life creates the limits of our Chidambara: beyond the border of self-ownership lies Maya. Each time we dodge responsibility and blame something external, we shrink our borders and Maya gobbles them up. But we can reclaim our inner kingdom through the Four Principles. Integrity gives us the decision to take back our sovereignty; Authenticity is the process of reclamation. Responsibility is the action generated by our self-empowerment and Enriching is the result as we share our renewal with the world.
Please understand, in Sanskrit we have a beautiful word called, "CHIDAAKAASHA". Chidaakaasha is the space what you call as your Consciousness. Another one beautiful word, "CHIDHAMBARAM" means what you feel as you. That is called Chidaakaasha or Chidambara in Sanskrit.
Again I wanted to insist on this one idea. When Ramana Maharshi says, 'We are all Soul, Consciousness; when Shankara says, 'Not only we, the whole world is Consciousness; there is nothing other than Consciousness'; Brahmam Sathyam, Jagath Mithya'; when George Gurdjieff says, 'You don't have Soul, you have to earn it!' all three of them are right! Please understand, all three of them are right! As long as you experience, it is good if you think you don't have it. Otherwise, because you think you have it, you do not put any of your energy to experience it.
When I drive around in the cities, when I see people unconsciously walking -- please understand, I wanted to give you that exact glimpse of how an enlightened being sees the world from an insider's view -- when I drive around, I literally get frightened, because I see everyone is walking, driving in a deep sleep! Accidents are not news to be reported; non-accidents are the news to be reported.
Even today morning, I was driving around to come to this venue. Listen, what you experience as you, and you looking at the world through the eye, between these two action there are one-hundred layer! So, the Chidambara, Chidaakaasha, the individual consciousness is not seeing! By the time it reaches the eyes to see and process the fact, millions of obstacles, bumps, highways, sign-boards, "exits", "take-diversion", "construction ahead", "don't go in that road", barricades! I didn't want to stay in that same space continuously; I just closed the eyes and shut myself down. Because, when I looked around I saw my driver is also in the same space and driving!
My only request is, just give me your listening. Don't judge I am talking something impractical. Don't judge I am talking some philosophical. I am not talking any philosophy. I am not even interested in inspiring you to do something. My morning satsangs are nothing but my bathroom songs! That is the truth! When you are in excited, joyful mood, when you take bath, how you hum some tunes out of your joy which is there in your inner space -- last few days you are listening to that same song, you will be humming the same song while you take bath. just like that, whatever is there in my inner space for last few days, I come and hum that tune, sing that song!
Don't have that seriousness I am giving you some philosophy. Don't even feel I am here to enlighten you. Then you become too serious. And you have too many concerns. If I become enlightened what will happen to my job? What will happen to my wife? And you have your own ideas, weird ideas about enlightenment! Nothing, just give me your listening, as a sweet song. You are staying with your friend or somebody; your near and dear one. If that guy is singing in the bathroom, you will have a curiosity to put your ears; what this guy is up to? What is he doing? What some songs he is singing! What song? How with the simple curiosity you will try to listen, give me that listening; and I commit with you, I will transmit my Chidambara to you!
Your simple listening is enough for me to transmit my Chidambara, Chidaakaasha to you! Life is nothing but what you feel as you, expanding that space. That's all! Nothing else! Just that's all!
Creating the right space is not a big sadhana, spiritual practice; not some big achievement. Just stop believing it is impossible. Stop identifying with how you achieve something in your life, like first you find a job, and then you find methods to impress your boss, then you get your promotion, then you conduct your meetings, and then you make PowerPoint presentations, impress people, get higher promotions, have the money you want, and you continue to save the money, then achieve, buy what you want. Just give a break to yourself from this maths; your strong belief everything can be achieved only by this math.