The Association for Recorded Sound Collections presents the following program from its 2014 ARSC Annual Conference at Sheraton Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina on Saturday May 17, 2014:
presented by John Tefteller, Private Collector and Dealer
As someone who has bought, sold, and avidly collected records worldwide since 1975, I am at the forefront of what could be a growing hobby, or the last vestiges of a dying musical collecting format.
In my presentation, I will trace the history of record collecting from the 1930s to the present day, with a focus on past trends, current trends, and what the future holds. Having recently spent over $37,000 for one 78 rpm record, I offer a unique perspective on where record collecting has been and where it is headed into the future.
I will also cover record collecting from the point of view of historical preservation and what these sounds from the past could mean to future generations. I have strong feelings on reissues and how to best pass on the music we all love to a much younger audience.
Videographers: Michael and Leah Biel
Editor: Nathan Georgitis