Fun & Interesting

Recovery On The Last Day Of KOH 2025

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This is the recovery we were heading on when the front axle on Trailmater snapped. Turns out it was a good thing we didn't go after it with what we had that night. It was definitely a buggy recovery for where it was at. We got in there and got the broken studs out of the knuckle. Then we got the steering box reattached to the frame and they were able to drive it out. Then we decided to wheel the hard part of the trail out. Then it was picking up camp, loading rigs up, and the long drive home. Thank you everyone for watching and supporting us. Merchandise available at Trailmater Trail Rope by Yankum Ropes: #trailmater #moab #offroadrecovery #wheeling #offroadwrecker #minimater #premierpowerwelder #harborfreight #12dollarbuggy
