With bowhunting season approaching fast, shooting your longbow or recurve every day is important. In this shooting tips video, Clay Hayes shows some techniques he incorporates into his pre-season practice routine.
We have a tendency to focus on the results of our archery shots. We want to see that arrow hit the bulls eye! And why not, that’s what we’re aiming for right? Well sometimes even a very poorly executed shot will hit the bulls eye while a well-executed shot will be a near miss. Instead of focusing where the arrows strike, focus instead on performing every step of the archery shot perfectly. If we do this, perform every step of our shot cycle perfectly then we can have no other result than a perfect shot.
Another tip is to shoot one arrow at a time. This gives you the opportunity to focus completely on that shot. If it didn’t hit where you were intending, ask yourself why and try to isolate the cause. Don’t just grab another arrow and try again. When we do that we give up the opportunity to learn from the mistakes in the previous shot.
When it comes to making a good shot in a high stress situation, such as when a big bull elk or whitetail buck is coming in, it’s critical to keep your emotions under control. One of the best ways to do this is to have been in those situations before. Unfortunately most of us have limited opportunity to shoot at animals. One great way to simulate this is to go through the mental exercise of paying out a hunting scene in your head just before you shoot. This role playing exercise can help prepare you for that shot of a lifetime if you do it right.
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