張媽媽【豆沙鍋餅】,外脆內軟,甜絲絲,很窩心!請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
MamaCheung's "Red bean paste pancakes", a satisfying dessert with Chinese tea. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
請大家幫幫忙做不同語言的字幕, Please help translate my video into different languages:
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamacheungcooks
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紅豆蓉做法: https://youtu.be/Aj5tpjD43vE
Red bean paste recipe: https://youtu.be/Aj5tpjD43vE
材料(十二小件)Ingredients (12 pieces):
一百九十克紅豆蓉 190g red bean paste https://youtu.be/Aj5tpjD43vE
九十克中筋麵粉 90g plain flour
十克吉士粉 10g custard powder
一百九十毫升清水 190ml water
適量食油 Cooking oil
食譜 Recipe: