Chapter 40 The Killing Grounds
This is the Audio book of Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy / Larry Bond narrated by Michael Prichard brought to life via DCS world Cold Waters and Arma 3.
I do not own the rights to distribute the audio book but this is a chopped down variant and a project of passion. Great Author, Great Book, Great Audio book, Great Simulators. I do not intend to make money from this or profit from this or any of my videos.
Audio credit goes to
Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio
Red Storm Rising Narrated by Michael Prichard
Audiomachine- Wait For It
Audiomachine- Water Wars
Audiomachine- Protect and Defend
Please enjoy.
vvvv this guy has talent please check him out vvvv
**some of the audio was tweaked using AI to match the narrative displayed**