HOLY EXCESSIVE RUNTIME, BATMAN! And NOW with even MORE JOKES!* Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans slide down the Bat-Pole and into some startlingly accurate rubber suits to discuss one of the worst movies of all time! Strap on your Bat-Skates and prepare for a blizzard of Arnie's best ice puns in this jumbo-edited commentary review dedicated to Joel Schumacher's gloriously-garish 1997 masterpiece, "BATMAN AND ROBIN"! [*This upload contains exactly 1 extra joke than that of the previous version.]
Audio Commentary by RedLetterMedia; Video Editing by BanyaBat... If you like my work, I am for hire! Contact me here to get in touch about anything! : [email protected]
Get the FULL COMMENTARY TRACK at https://redlettermedia.bandcamp.com
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