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【さわやかな森の朝食×ボサノバジャズ】Refreshing Forest Breakfast × Bossa Nova Jazz

Relaxing Café Music 15,431 1 month ago
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ボサノヴァのリズムが響く、朝の時間にぴったりなリラックス音楽です。 爽やかな朝日に包まれた森の中、朝の穏やかな時間へご案内します。 心地よいテンポのジャズなので、癒し効果があります。ごゆっくりどうぞ。 チャンネル登録で、日常に溶け込む癒しをお届けします。 → ☕ / @RelaxingCafeMusic1 This relaxing music, set to the rhythm of bossa nova, is perfect for the morning hours. It takes you to a peaceful time in a forest bathed in the fresh morning sunlight. With its soothing jazz tempo, it brings a calming effect. Enjoy your time at ease. Subscribe to our channel for soothing music that blends seamlessly into your daily life. → ☕ / @RelaxingCafeMusic1   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 〈 Relaxing Café Music 〉へようこそ 音楽と自然が奏でる癒しの時間を、さまざまなシーンに合わせてご案内しています。 このチャンネルではゆったりしたジャズやボサノバ、ヒーリング音楽を取り入れたLofi音楽をお届けしています。また、日常でのさまざまな季節や時間に合わせて、心の癒しをご案内しています。ぜひ、お好みの Relaxing Café Music(リラクシングカフェミュージック)にお出かけ下さい。 Thank you for watching〈 Relaxing Café Music 〉 This channel offers soothing moments created by the harmony of nature and music, tailored to various occasions. [ About the Channel ] We offer a soothing experience where music and nature harmonize, tailored to various scenes. On this channel, we bring you a selection of relaxing jazz, bossa nova, and Lofi music infused with healing melodies. We also curate sounds that match different seasons and moments of daily life, guiding you to a place of inner peace. Enjoy your journey to the perfect Relaxing Café Music that suits your mood. #bossanova #リラックス音楽 #cafemusic #jazz #作業用bgm
