FLASHING WARNING! NOT MY MUSIC! Hopefully YouTube will figure that last bit out, as I'd really like to do this album, I would:
Reload - A Collection of Short Stories
Same dudes as Global Communication, also an epic project that I'd like to visualize some of eventually-- but for now, this one. This album was one of the coolest I ever procured. Each song has an associated sci-fi story, probably available somewhere on the internet. Short stories taking only a page each in the thickest CD booklet I ever owned (in a standard jewel case, anyway). Frankly, the stories were the least interesting part of the sci-fi worlds this album represents. You do not need them.
1993 was one of the greatest years in electronic music that has occurred, this album being one of several fine examples that I intend to breathe new life into for younger audiences and old heads like me. If YouTube can handle it appropriately, anyway! We'll see how this goes, I have no desire to post things I'm not supposed to...but I've been using YT to turn people onto this album for decades now, so should be fine. I guarantee you more 1993 will be coming from me. o_o 1992 and 1994 and maybe even 1991 and 1995, too. We'll see about the others later. Ahem. More surprises planned, will work them alongside the Autechre and other things I get up to.
I am available for commissions now! Hit me up if interested, I'm not doing Fiverr 'n sh!t. Solutions for any budget are available. Guaranteed unique because of how I distill music into visuals, too. Gotta love modern technology. And no, none of the things I do have ANYTHING AT ALL to do with AI. You'd have to pay me to train that stuff...and so far, nobody is. :) Many more examples of my animation, as well as support links can be found easily below: