Script by: MICT - Mathew Vatilifa
South African apartheid regime’s Failure in Namibia is well demonstrated through the vast areas that were controlled by the Namibian People’s Liberation Movement better know as PLAN. The PLAN fighters, which were a SWAPO military wing, liberated these areas.
Every inch of the vast areas controlled by SWAPO in the northern part of our country was fought for, to free it from the most powerful military power at the time. The South African Army had total support from the NATO countries, and it is for this reason the PLAN Fighter’s success came as a hard blow to all imperialist powers in Southern Africa.
It was in September 1965 when the South West African Liberation Army established its first training camp on South West African soil, at Omugulugwombashe, at the time, SWALA numbered only about 250 personnel, most of whom were still undergoing training at Kongwa.
The insurgents at Omugulugwombashe succeeded in recruiting only about 30 locals before the location of their camp was compromised to the South African Forces that later attacked demolished the camp.
The attack of the training camp in Omugulu-gwombashe marks the first military battle between PLAN and the South African forces, hence the importance of this day in the Namibian History.
Since the first bullet that initiated the armed struggle on the 26th of August 1966, when South African forces launched a 23-year long war against the South West African People’s Organization better know as SWAPO of Namibia at Omugulu-gwombashe many Namibians inside and abroad has contributed impressively to fight the apartheid regime.
The South African racist Army was much more equipped than the PLAN Military. And for many years the Apartheid South Africa have been importing heavy artilleries in huge quantities from the western world. This meant that the South African Apartheid military force had a large arsenal and managed to gather huge war materials to be used against the SWAPO’s Military wing and any military force opposing apartheid.
The war waged on for so long that to some the picture of independence started to become dim and dull. CASINGA was the enemy’s final attempt to derail independence for the Namibia People
In spite of their superiority regarding weapons, PLAN fighters’ success on the battle field showed the racist regime that they were incapable of reaching its goal which was to eradicated the Namibian Liberation Movement and once again it has proven that the strength of organized people against colonies can defeat a superior colonial powerhouse.
However it is very important to remember that before the total liberation of Namibia was reached many battles were fought and many sacrifices where made. Thank You to the heroic people of Namibia and the solidarity with all peace loving people of the world that enable Namibia to achieve it’s independence.
Namibians continue to pay homage to the selfless contributions of this heroes and heroines who spearheaded the liberation struggle and gave their lives for our freedom.