The video covers how to remove and install the wheel and tire assembly of a Yamaha fz6r. It does not include how to mount the new tire onto the rim since I'm assuming most people do not own a pneumatic tire mounter. Soon I will make a video on how to remove and install the brake disk and the sprocket, in case the reason you removed the assembly was to change one of those and I will link inside the video in the spot saved for it. Tried to blur my old license plate since it appears at a few spots on the video but like I said is an old license that is not active anymore since it broke and flew away on the highway. Remember that this video is only intended as an aid fro DIYer to DIYer. Make sure that you use your service manual to get instructions on the task at hand and if at any point you do not feel confident in the task at hand contact a professional mechanic. music: Target Practice by Riot Cross the road by Silent Partner Coast by Silent Partner Right place right time by Silent partner So lost by MK2 Beat your competition by Vibe Tracks