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《小娘惹》里的香辣虾糯米卷!菊香传承的经典娘惹美食文化!新马地道食谱!Rempah Udang nyonya culture! Makanan tradisi peranakan!

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《小娘惹》里的香辣虾糯米卷!菊香传承的经典娘惹美食文化!Rempah Udang nyonya culture! Makanan tradisi peranakan! Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 香蕉叶 - Banana Leaf 适量兰花水 - Butterfly Pea Water 500克糯米饭 - 500g Glutinous Rice (椰浆水 Coconut milk water) 250克清水 - 250g Water 100克椰浆 - 100g Coconut milk 2汤匙白糖 - 2tbsp Sugar 1茶匙盐巴 - 1tsp Salt (馅料 Filling) 4支香茅 - 4 stalk Lemongrass 1颗洋葱 - 1pc Onion 6粒小葱头 - 6pcs Shallots 1粒黄姜 - 1pc Turmeric 4条红辣椒 - 4pcs Red Chili 6条辣椒干 - 6pcs Dry Chili 50克虾米 - 50g Dried Shrimp 250克椰丝 - 250g Shredded Coconut 1茶匙马来煎 - 1tsp Balacan Powder 4汤匙白糖 - 4tbsp Sugar 1.5茶匙盐 - 1.5tsp Salt 适量勾芡水 - Thicken Water 01.清洗蝶豆花,放锅里加清水煮出颜色过筛备用 Clean butterfly pea flower, cook with pot with water added and strain the outcome 02.将糯米浸泡2小时 Soak glutinous rice into water for 2 hours 03.准备大盘刷油,倒入洗净的糯米 Apply oil on a big tray, pour glutinous rice on it 04.椰浆水调味后倒入大盘里让糯米吸收 Add seasoned coconut milk into the rice 05.将糯米放进蒸锅里蒸30分钟,每10分钟翻一翻 Steam the rice for 30mins, remember to stir it every 10mins 06.途中加入兰花水把半边的糯米染色 Dye half of the rice with butterfly pea water during middle of steaming 07.30分钟后将糯米翻拌均匀出锅 After 30mins, we can took out the rice and stir it for better texture 08.将香茅,洋葱,小葱头,黄姜,红辣椒,辣椒干切碎搅成泥 Mince and blend lemon grass, onion, shallots, turmeric, red chili, dry chili 09.接着搅碎虾米然后炒香,加入辣椒泥炒匀后下马来煎粉调味 Blend and sautee dried shrimp, add blended chili paste and balacan powder on it 10.加入椰丝翻炒后下白糖和盐巴调味然后下勾芡水翻炒后捞出 Stir fry with shredded coconut, add sugar, salt and thicken water for seasoning 11.将牙签斜剪半,香蕉叶去梗 Cut toothpick into half, remove banana leaf stem 12.用小火将香蕉叶烤软避免之后的工序裂开 Soften the banana leaf on stove with low heat to prevent crack during next steps 13.把香蕉叶剪成15 x 17cm,然后清洗干净和擦干 Cut banana leaf into 15 x 17, clean and dry it 14.称量出65克的糯米,用塑料纸&小刮刀整形压平 Weigh 65g of rice, put on plastic paper and shape it with small tools 15.接着称量30克的馅料放在糯米上压平 Put 30g of fillings on the rice, press evenly 16.轻轻将糯米包起卷成条状压实 Wrap it gently into a roll shape 17.香蕉叶抹油后把糯米卷包起来用牙签固定两端 Apply oil on banana leaf, wrap the rolled rice and seal both end with toothpick 18.剪掉多余的叶片,放烤盘烤至叶面焦黄便可出锅 Cut excess leaf, roast the rempah udang until the leaf shows yellowish burnt
