"Everything Clara could see was made of sugar. There were trees laden with sweets, and a gleaming palace built out of jelly beans with a shiny white roof made of sugar icing. A sugar plum fairy arrived to greet them."
Here is a look at the process of making the Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker Ballet. I create the persona of the actual fairy that the ballet dancer portrays in her dance.I show creating her outfit, making her wings and headdress.
MissGDesigns - https://www.instagram.com/missgdesigns/?hl=en
Pixienatory - https://www.youtube.com/c/PIXIENATORY/videos
Angelina Film Supplier - https://morezmore.mybigcommerce.com/all-categories/12-wing-making-for-ooak-dolls/01-angelina-fantasy-film-1/
Deco Charms - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RBSZ5NM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
****Supply List*****
This is my supply list for the exact products I use. Feel free to message me with any questions.
Watercolor pencils
Caran D’ache
Derwent Inktense -24ct is the perfect amount of colors
Faber Castell Art Grip Aquarelle
Pan Pastels-the portrait set of 7 is a great starter set
Rembrant Pastels
Mr. Super Clear UV Cut Flat
Worbla Thermal Plastic
Elf make up brushes
Tiny nail art brushes
Pencil sharpener
Blender Pencil
Micro Applicators
Rerooting tool and hair from the Doll Planet Hair