Suddenly encountered trouble, and struggled to challenge the first maintenance of the Aladdin stove. Defect correspondence, it was fun. On the way, I noticed something unusual, but I didn't think it was an important point, so I worked quite a bit to get the blue frame.
Since I maintained it slowly, it has been less than two months since I got it. Until now, the campfire has been used to overcome the cold, but you can finally bring it to the winter camp.
The maintenance of outdoor goods on your own will gradually deepen your understanding of gear. I realized.
The more you make your own goods, the more you will feel the awesomeness of the real thing.
I also post DIY videos of outdoor gear that I bring to the camp, but by working on it I can get cheaper than the real thing and I will love it. You can create, make and enjoy while you fail. Why do not you try making your own goods while paying attention to safety?
I make my own work while silently enjoying the process of selecting materials, processing and assembling. The workmanship is at the amateur level.
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