In this video lets start replacing the floor pans in the pos Comanche entitled the Bleepinjeep Comancheep Project... It'll be fun they said! The floor pans or floor boards were completely rusted out in this thing and both sides needed to be completely gutted and replaced. In this video I hope by the end of it you will have a good idea of the work involved to make this happen. But I cant finish welding in the new pans until I get the motor and transfer case in place as the floor boards will need to be modified still.
Ep 1: I Bought WHAT?? The New Project Needs a Name!…
Ep 2: Making a Video is Harder than it Looks - Comanche Project Begins…
Ep 3: Lets make a Custom Tool for the Comanche Project!...
Ep 4: Why Did I Just Buy a CJ??…
Ep 5: I Rolled My CJ and it Caught on FIRE…
Ep 6: Lets Strip a Comanche!…
Ep 7: Lets Tear Apart More Comanche…
•Ep 8: Replacing Floor Pans in the Comanche…
Ep 9: I Cut the Comanche Project In Half!…
Ep 10: Pressurewashapalooza - On the Comanche!!!!…
Ep 11: Can a Unibody be Made into a Frame? - Project Comancheep…
Ep 12: A Lot of People are Going to CRY! - Project Comancheep…
Ep 13: Yes, It Really Is Almost Done… Comancheep Update…
Ep 14: Project Comancheep Continues…
Ep 15: The CJ Gets Away from Me! - Project Comancheep…
Ep 16: How to fit an LS into a Comanche! - Project Comancheep…
Ep 17: Make a Dent NOT a Dent! - Project Comancheep…
Ep 18: Found Footage - Project Comancheep…
Ep 19: Tips for Building a Tube Frame - Project Comancheep…
Ep 20: Prequel - Project Comancheep...
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*This product is meant for entertainment purposes only. Your mileage may vary. Do not try this at home. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. For off-road use only. Slippery when wet. Batteries not included. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle, heavy equipment, cherokee XJ, wrangler TJ, wrangler JK, or any Jeep vehicle, especially the newer Fiat ones. How-to videos may be too intense for some viewers and children under 30 years of age. Please remain seated until the 4x4 ride has come to a complete stop. Studies have shown viewing these videos causes increased cancer risks in laboratory test people. I am not a professional, I have no training, I'm not even particularly good at horse whispering. Don't believe everything that you know. Please keep your hands in the vehicle at all times. Do not tap on glass. Do not eat anything that has been on the floor for more than 3 days. Keep your hands to yourself. Not to be taken internally. Reproduction strictly prohibited. Driver does not carry cash. Objects in Bleepinjeep mirrors may be farther than they appear.*