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Resep SOSIS HOMEMADE TANPA PENGAWET: Gurih Kenyal Ga Kalah Sama Sosis Premium!

Devina Hermawan 2,156,070 4 years ago
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***English description is at the bottom section.*** Matikan subtitle: Settings - Subtitle/CC - Off Note: di menit 05:47 tepung pada adonan berfungsi untuk mengikat air dan adonan daging agar tidak terpisah setelah dimasak. 00:00 : intro 01:38 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients) 04:17 : membuat adonan sosis (making the sausage dough) 07:43 : masukkan adonan ke casing sosis (filling the sausage casing) 10:19 : ikat dan bagi adonan sosis (tying and portioning the sausage links) 11:54 : kukus sosis (steaming the sausage) 12:33 : sosis siap dihidangkan atau dimasak (the sausage is ready to serve or to cook) #ResepSosis #ResepSosisSapi #ResepSosisAyam #ResepDevinaHermawan =================== [INDONESIAN] Resep Sosis Homemade (12 pcs) Bahan: 250 gr ayam paha giling 150 gr daging giling berlemak 1 ½ sdt garam 1 ½ sdm gula 5 gr baking powder 120 gr air es / es serut 1 butir putih telur 4 sdm tepung sagu / maizena 4 sdm minyak aromatik / minyak goreng biasa 1 sdm mustard Bumbu dan rempah (bisa juga pakai premix bumbu sosis siap pakai): 1 ½ sdt smoke powder atau ½ sdt liquid smoke, opsional ½ sdm bawang putih bubuk ½ sdm bawang bombai bubuk ⅓ sdt oregano kering ⅓ sdt pala bubuk ⅓ sdt marjoram / thyme / basil kering Topping: 40 gr keju cheddar Langkah: 1. Masukkan daging dan paha ayam giling ke dalam mangkuk, lalu tambahkan gula dan garam, aduk rata dengan menggunakan mixer hingga berserat dan lengket 2. Masukkan bumbu rempah, mustard, putih telur, baking powder, minyak dan tepung sagu, aduk rata 3. Tambahkan air, aduk kembali hingga tercampur rata, lalu tutup mangkuk dengan plastic wrap, masukkan ke dalam kulkas selama 20 menit 4. Keluarkan dari kulkas,lalu bagi adonan menjadi 2 5. Masukkan topping keju ke dalam satu mangkuk, aduk rata, lalu masukkan adonan ke dalam piping bag 6. Siapkan casing sosis sepanjang 18 cm, lalu semprotkan adonan ke dalam casing sosis 7. Gulung-gulung dan beri jarak, lalu tekan dengan jari 8. Ikat sosis dengan benang dari tengah ke samping, hingga terbagi menjadi enam, lalu tusuk-tusuk dengan jarum 9. Kukus sosis dengan kukusan Tefal Food Steamer Ultra Compact selama 15-20 menit 10. Angkat sosis, dinginkan, lalu potong di setiap ikatan 11. Untuk sosis panggang, belah sedikit bagian sosis, panaskan sedikit minyak, lalu panggang sosis hingga kecokelatan Yuk ikutaan Giveaway dari untuk berkesempatan dapetin produk-produk Tefal. Caranya cek di bawah ini ya. 1. Follow Instagram @devinahermawan 2. Like post give away di Instagram 3. Re-cook video Resep Sosis Homemade di Instagram atau resep bertemakan Western food lainnya 4. Post di Instagram Feed & Instagram Story, save di highlight dan gunakan hashtag #TefalNo1Cookware #LiburanSamaTefal 5. Tag 3 teman & ajak untuk ikut serta 6. Periode giveaway akan berakhir pada tanggal 1 July 2021 7. Pemenang akan diumumkan di IG Story hari Jumat tanggal 2 July 2021. 8. Wajib menggunakan salah satu produk dari Tefal 9. Akun Instagram tidak di-private Tefal Food Steamer Ultra Compact Tefal Unlimited Frypan 20 cm Instagram: =================== [ENGLISH] Homemade Sausage Recipe (12 pcs) Ingredients: 250 g ground chicken thigh 150 g fatty ground beef 1.5 tsp salt 1.5 tbsp sugar 5 g baking powder 120 g cold water / shaved ice 1 pc egg white 4 tbsp sago flour / cornstarch 4 tbsp aromatic oil / cooking oil 1 tbsp mustard Seasoning and Spices (or premixed sausage seasoning mix): 1.5 tsp smoke powder or ½ tsp liquid smoke, optional ½ tbsp garlic powder ½ tbsp onion powder ⅓ tsp dried oregano ⅓ tsp nutmeg powder ⅓ tsp dried marjoram / thyme / basil Topping: 44 g mild cheddar cheese Steps: 1. Add the ground chicken and beef into a bowl. Add the sugar and salt in and mix with a mixer until stringy and sticky. 2. Add the spices in, mustard, egg white, baking powder, oil, and sago flour. Mix well. 3. Add the water in. Mix again thoroughly, and cover the bowl with a plastic wrap. Place in the fridge for 20 minutes. 4. Get the bowl out of the fridge and divide the dough into two parts. 5. Add the cheese topping into one of the dough. Mix well. Then, transfer the dough into a piping bag. 6. Prepare 18-cm long sausage casings. Pipe the dough into the sausage casings. 7. Evenly distribute the dough and press it with a finger. 8. Tie the sausage with a twine from the middle to the sides into six parts. Punch the surface with a needle. 9. Steam the sausage with Tefal Ultra Compact Food Steamer for 15-20 minutes. 10. Remove the sausage from the steamer and let them cool. Then, cut the links off. 11. For grilled sausages, score the surface of the sausages. Heat some oil and grill the sausage until browned. =================== Official Site: Instagram: Business inquiries: [email protected] Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2021 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan.
