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Resep Udang Mayones Krispi TETAP Kenyal Ala Resto: Potongannya Harus Lebar!

Devina Hermawan 947,387 5 years ago
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***English description is at the bottom section.*** Matikan subtitle: Settings - Subtitle/CC - Off 00:00 : intro 01:38 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients) 06:02 : mulai membuat dynamite mayo (start making the Dynamite Mayo) 08:23 : mulai menggoreng (start frying) 09:42 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve) =================== [INDONESIAN] Udang Mayones merupakan salah satu menu favorit di restoran chinese atau restoran seafood. Udang digoreng renyah dengan balutan tepung dipadukan dengan campuran saus mayones yang segar. Ternyata menu restoran ini sangat mudah dibuat asalkan tahu tips & tricksnya. Cocok dijadikan camilan atau lauk untuk anak-anak dan keluarga di rumah. Resep Ramen Indomie: Cara memotong udang: Resep Ebi Furai: Resep Udang Goreng Sereal: Resep Udang Saus Singapore: Resep Udang Mayones Bahan: 300 gr udang ukuran 25, kupas kulit 1/2 st jahe halus 1 butir putih telur 150 gr tepung maizena 1/2 sdt baking soda Garam, lada sesuai selera Minyak goreng secukupnya Bahan saus mayo: 6 sdm mayones 2 sdm susu kental manis 1.5 sdm madu 2 sdm air jeruk nipis 1/4 sdt garam Bahan tambahan untuk dynamite mayo: 1-2 sdm saus sambal 1/2 siung bawang putih halus Bahan lainnya: Bihun jagung goreng Biji wijen hitam Daun bawang Langkah: 1. Belah udang menjadi potongan butterfly 2. Masukkan jahe halus, baking soda, putih telur, garam, merica, dan sedikit tepung maizena. Aduk rata lalu diamkan 10-15 menit di suhu ruangan 3. Buat dynamite mayo original. Campurkan mayones, air jeruk nipis, susu kental manis, dan madu. Aduk rata, tambahkan sedikit garam 4. Buat dynamite mayo pedas dengan menambahkan saus sambal dan bawang putih. Aduk rata 5. Setelah udang di marinasi, masukkan ke dalam tepung maizena, aduk rata hingga seluruh permukaannya terlapisi, lalu saring 6. Goreng udang hingga matang, angkat lalu tiriskan 7. Campur udang goreng dengan dynamite mayo, aduk rata 8. Siapkan bihun jagung goreng, garnish dengan biji wijen hitam dan daun bawang. Udang Mayones siap disajikan 🍤🍤 Jangan lupa cek Instagram @THELOBSTERCO 🍤🍤 Untuk pemesanan lobster/salmon melalui WhatsApp: 0878-8610-2635 =================== [ENGLISH] Crispy & Bouncy Mayonnaise Shrimp a la Restaurant Recipe: The Trick is Wide Cuts! Mayonnaise Shrimp is one of the favorites in Chinese or seafood restaurants. The shrimp is coated with flour, fried until crisp, and mixed with a fresh mayonnaise sauce. As it turns out, this restaurant menu is very easy to make if you know the tips & tricks. It's great as a snack food or as a main dish for kids and family at home. Indomie Ramen Recipe: How to peel shrimp: Ebi Furai Recipe: Cereal Prawns Recipe: Prawns in Singapore Sauce Recipe: Mayonnaise Shrimp Recipe Ingredients: 300 g shrimp, grade 25, peeled 1/2 tsp grated ginger 1 egg white 150 g cornstarch Salt, pepper, to taste Cooking oil as needed Dynamite Mayo ingredients: 6 tbsp mayonnaise 2 tbsp condensed milk 1.5 tbsp honey 2 tbsp lime juice 1/4 tsp salt Additional ingredients for the Dynamite Mayo: 1-2 tbsp chili sauce 1/2 clove grated garlic Other ingredients: Fried corn-based vermicelli Black sesame seeds Leeks Steps: 1. Butterfly the shrimp. 2. Add the grated ginger, baking soda, egg white, salt, pepper, and a bit of cornstarch. Mix well and let it rest for 10-15 minutes at room temperature. 3. To make the Original Dynamite Mayo, combine the mayonnaise, lime juice, condensed milk, and honey. Mix well and add a bit of salt. 4. To make the Spicy Dynamite Mayo, add the chili sauce and garlic. Mix well. 5. After the shrimp is finished marinating, coat them with cornstarch. Mix well until all the surface is coated and sift the excess off. 6. Fry the shrimp until cooked. Drain and set aside. 7. Mix the fried shrimp with the Dynamite Mayo. Mix well. 8. Prepare the fried vermicelli and garnish with the black sesame seeds and leeks. Mayonnaise Shrimp is ready to serve. =================== Official Site: Instagram: Business inquiries: [email protected] Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2020 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan. #ResepUdangMayonnaise #ResepUdangGorengTepung #ResepDevinaHermawan
