I bought this broken Xbox series S controller Model 1914 on eBay for $10 to try to fix it. it smells disgusting like the smell of wet socks or rotten wood.
When I plugged the controller in it had no power and didn't respond at all. The seller said It fell to the ground from a height and did not work again after that even if it was connected via cable. I think the fell to the ground from a height broke this antenna.
According to some fix on YouTube, I'll go ahead and reflow this main chip on the board that just means I'm going to heat it until the solder balls underneath melt and I'm doing this because they fell to the ground from a height I suspect there may be faulty solder joints underneath this chip.
Water-Damaged Xbox Series X Controller
Xbox series x controller teardown
How to Fix Broken or Stuck Bumpers on Xbox Series X Controller?
Have you already been having problems with your Xbox (Xbox One, Series X, or S) Controller bumpers? If you have this video will break down for you exactly how to fix those and get your controller up and running again!
(Xbox One, Series X, or S) you may be experiencing issues with the LT, RT, RB, and LB buttons.
RB LB Bumper Trigger Button
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Some of my tools:
Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9% Electronics Cleaner:
Hot Air Gun Kit:
My main camera:
UV LED Strip Lights
Black gloves: