#restoration #gunrestoration
Here is another flood project from Florida. This old Marlin model 1897 lever action .22 was subject to flood waters in florida. I do not know how long it was in the flood but considering the condition it was weeks or longer. This is one of the many models Marlin produced from the late 1800's up until 1922. The Model 1897 was the last lever action .22 model they designed. Marlin is still in business with Sturm Ruger as Co-owner but hey now focus on producing bolt, slide, and lever action rifles. I hope you enjoy the video and consider subscribing. As always thanks for watching!
1. Sodium Hydroxide
2. Potassium Nitrate
3. distilled water
4. Heat source
5. Thermometer
6. wd40
7. Ratio of NaOH - KNO3 is 2/1
8. 1 Gallon of Distilled water is 5lbs NaOH - 2.5lbs KNO3
9. Please read how to do this process thoroughly.
10. Safety is the highest priority
11. Do your research
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