I have officially retired from dating. Here is my stand-up video about my dating experiences in the modern world.
I'm coming to your city. For live show updates, follow me on Instagram at:
This video is a combined effort of a lot of people.
Edited By: Abhishek Bhutwani
Sound Mixing By: Sreejit Menon
Live Producer: Balraj Singh Ghai
The Habitat Audio Team: Yash Rajiv Barse
The Habitat Team: Harsh Shah, Aaditi Hirani, Abhishek Bhutwani, Saurabh Bothra.
Thank You To:
Advit Mohunta
Rohan Joshi
Mohommed Hussain
Urjita Wani
Chirag Panchwani
Shreeja Chaturvedi
Vera Raina
Nathan Almeida
Written And Performed By:
Yours Truly.