Episode 2 of my return to the multiplier, return to the Zziplex project.
After a long self imposed isolation , Ive had the jab, the R number is down , so I am on my local beach (as we cant travel,) and im trying out the Abu 6500CT that I refurbed in episode 1 , and the Penn Fathom 2 casting special. Im also fishing and had a surprise guest appearance. I also did a short live from the beach.
Im also trying out my Zziplex rods that have sat in the garage for over 20 years gathering dust, Ive had one of them the pendeltec pro am match rebuilt and its looking very sexy.
The Rebuild was done by Matt Gifford, from Eastbourne he has done a great job, I will be dropping the other rod off to him later this week.
if you want your rods rebuilt by Matt search for Matt Gifford on facebook @MattGiffordRodBuilds, or contact him by email to [email protected]. Tell him I sent you