I bought my xTool Screen Printer through their kickstarter campaign. So I had it quite some time before new screens became available. I figured out how to reuse the screens by removing and reapplying emulsion to the screens. This video is my walkthrough on my process. Below are some of the materials I mentioned in the video I used to do this.
20W UV Resin Curing Light - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZG1GBVW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_G1ST3P76JQ2C2YMAPNK9
Ecotex® PWR Water Resistant Screen Printing Emulsion - https://screenprintdirect.com/collections/screen-printing-emulsion/products/ecotex-pwr-water-resistant-screen-printing-emulsion
Ecotex® Screen Printing Emulsion Remover - https://screenprintdirect.com/collections/screen-printing-chemicals/products/ecotex-screen-printing-emulsion-remover
What I forgot to mention in the video is you should never in any of the drying processes use a heat gun or high heat dryer to dry your screens. It will warm the metal mesh and make it unusable.I hope this video helps. Please leave comments if you have any questions or suggestions on how you have made the most out of your Xtool Screens.
Also, It's a good idea to run a power and speed test array on your screen once you have done this as your settings with the original screen won't always work the same.