This virtual field trip features North Cascades Museum Curator, Sam Richert, where she explore the park's historic archives and and the vegetation restoration at Cascade Pass, one of the most popular areas of the park. Many of the park's digitized historic photos were made possible by WNPF donors! Funds supported an intern to help write metadata and catalog thousands of images that are open to the public to view on NPGallery! 💭 Below are links with additional material for your own exploration of this topic. North Cascades NPS Complex Digital Archive (NPGallery): Contested Terrain: North Cascades NPS Complex Administrative History: Mary Roberts Rinehart excerpt from "Tenting To-night”: North Cascades Conservation Council, Prospectus for a North Cascades National Park: North Cascades Conservation Council newsletters with articles about Joe and Margaret Miller: Washington Native Plant Society tribute to Joe and Margaret Miller: DataStore (NPS archive for resource management reports): #nationalpark #northcascades #washingtonstate #PNW #explorewashington #thingstodoWashington #history #archivedphotos #cascadepass #NPS #nationalparkservice Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:49 Introducing the North Cascades 06:30 Cascade Pass Ecosystem 10:13 Human Use of Cascade Pass 19:30 1962 NPS Survey Collection 24:15 Joe and Margaret Miller 26:22 Early History of Revegetation Program 30:00 Revegetation Program Records Digitization Project 31:49 How to View Photos on the NPGallery Digital Archive Online 37:50 2025 Photo Updates Plus Email to Get Notified on the Archives! 45:46 Q&A Section - Thank You All!