I bought a broken Audi A6 40 TDI with a common gearbox fault. Luckily Audi fixed the problem but I bought the car back in May 2022 and got it back 3 months later after Audi replaced the broken mechatronic gearbox unit. This is just a usual issue with car trading, it's perfectly normal for anything used to go wrong but it can be frustrating having funds tied up in broken cars because that then stops you from being able to buy more potentially profitable stock. I bough this car back in May and literally as soon as it was repaired we got it advertised, had a crazy amount of interest in it and sold it straight away with a nice profit. The profit would have been higher if we sold the car back in May when book prices were higher but as I say, this is just standard stuff when you're dealing with any used goods.
Used Car Dealer Car Trader dealing with all types of cars.
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