A new "digital room correction" / "speaker correction" method producing great results by creating FIR "finite impulse response" filters with inversion Relevant links: Supplementary comprehensive tutorial (.pdf): https://drive.google.com/file/d/17BwTGv933w4id3B3PFHy2zjyijtgZLDX/view?usp=sharing REW Room EQ Wizard Early Access Version with Inversion (as of May 2023): https://www.avnirvana.com/threads/v5-20-14-early-access-build.11154/ Harman Target Curve (.txt): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kfTm89YaYik7kNujyY3bM_LU9UXJzjsO/view?usp=sharing PS: According to a recent research, you might enjoy a slightly different implementation of the Harman Kardon (Harmon) target curve better: Delete any "House Curve" uploaded in REW, Preferences tab / in EQ Target Settings / "Add room curve" with the following values: LF rise start: 200 Hz LF Rise End: 10 Hz LF Rise Slope: 0.7 dB/octave HF Fall Start: 200 Hz HF Fall Slope: 0.7 dB/ octave Target Level: Calculated from response "room eq wizard" "filter design" "phase inversion" #audiophile #impulseresponse #convolution #filters #rew #roomcorrection #calibration #fouriertransform #fourier #equalization #equalizer #hometheater #cinemasound #soundsystem #dirac #dolbyatmos #speakertest #impulse #sota