This is not a tutorial video. It's just a series of daily exercises that I do to improve my control,balance,speed,endurance and dynamic. You can find a lot of tutorial videos on the web that can explain every technique and exercises that I do in this video.
About MY workout:
At the beginning, usually, I set the bpm at 120 (that is the bpm in the video) and then I increase it gradually with gaps of 10 bpm each. After 220bpm I change the gap in 5 bpm each until the 280bpm. I use medium/heavy sticks. Remember to control your breath and be relaxed much as possible! Every exercise is done minimum for 1 minute each and with all the techniques that I show in the video.
For example:
Single / double stroke 16th note (120 bpm, R and L hands):
1 minute with French grip (only arms)
30sec of rest
1 minute with French grip (only wrists)
30sec of rest
1 minute with French grip using (only fingers)
30sec of rest
1 minute with German grip (only arms)
30sec of rest
1 minute with German grip (only wrists)
30sec of rest
1 minute with German grip (only fingers)
30sec of rest
1 minute with Moeller technique
30sec of rest
1 minute with Push-pull technique
30sec of rest
1 minute using mixed technique
1 minute of rest
Then repeat all the exercise at 130 bpm
About the endurance:
I set the metronome at 160-170 bpm and I play until I can. Every time I write down how long I resisted so the next time I try to improve that result. I do the same setting the bpm at my maximum speed so get used to it.
[email protected]
Recorded with:
Zoom Q4
Thanks for watching and supporting!