Watch Rich Harris, Svelte's creator, share insights on frontend trends, the edge, and the web at Vercel's Svelte Meetup hosted by Cockroach Labs in NYC. Build with Vercel today:
0:00 Introduction
1:25 Your framework is fine (🌶)
2:04 Why web sucks
3:27 0kb JS is not a goal (🌶🌶)
5:26 Most sites should work without JavaScript (🌶🌶)
9:32 MPAs are dead (🌶🌶🌶)
13:45 Explicit DSLs are good (🌶🌶)
14:33 JavaScript is event-driven; UI is state-driven
16:06 Implicit DSLs are... less good (🌶🌶🌶)
24:34 Code should run close to the user (🌶🌶)
27:21 We will regret reinventing RPC (🌶🌶🌶)
30:42 Build steps are good (🌶)
33:26 None of this matters (🌶🌶🌶🌶)
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