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列治文美食|广东烧腊|江南小灶|半步仙小酒馆|寻秦记|竞争最激烈美食广场|“糖尿病”广场|Richmond 温哥华美食

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#新城市广场 #列治文美食 #温哥华美食 00:00 Intro 1:18 广东烧腊菜馆 2:31 家家家拉面 2:57 Pho37 越南粉 3:38 江南小灶 5:11 半步仙小酒馆 6:15 寻秦记·大明家 6:45 一碗专业的麻辣烫 8:03 麻古奶茶 9:34 Pomona咖啡 10:01 2000超市 列治文的新城市广场(Union Square)是位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省列治文市的一处热门商业中心。这座广场坐落在3号路旁,是一个以亚洲风格为主的mall,里面有很多的美食店铺和奶茶店,竞争激烈。以下是视频中提到的店铺。 📍广东烧腊菜馆 Cantonese BBQ 一家主打广式烧腊的餐馆,提供各类传统粤菜,如汤品、粉面以及经典的烧腊系列 A casual eatery serving traditional Cantonese dishes, including soups, noodles, and signature BBQ-style meats. 📍家家家日本拉面 Yah-Yah-Ya Ramen Richmond 一家日式拉面店,主打家系拉面(日语:家系ラーメン),又称横滨家系拉面。这种拉面以1974年创立的“吉村家”为起源,特色是浓郁的猪骨酱油汤底。目前全球约有1,000家家系拉面店铺,其中150家位于横滨市内。 A cozy Japanese ramen shop specializing in ramen bowls. The shop features a welcoming, upbeat atmosphere and serves Yokohama-style pork bone soy sauce ramen, inspired by the iconic Yoshimuraya from 1974. 📍Pho37 越南粉 D37 一家受欢迎的越南粉连锁店,在新城市广场有两家分店,提供经典的越南粉以及其他越南菜。 A popular Vietnamese pho chain with multiple locations, including two in Richmond’s Union Square. 📍江南小灶 JiangNan Wok 主打淮扬和江浙地区美食,也提供部分川菜。 Offers a diverse menu of Jiangsu and Zhejiang (Huaiyang) cuisine, along with a selection of Sichuan dishes. 📍扈江 Shanghai River Restaurant 视频中提到的另外一家制作鳝糊的上海餐厅,位于列治文Westminster Hwy。餐厅内可以看到点心师傅现场制作精致的点心。 Located on Westminster Hwy in Richmond, this upscale restaurant specializes in authentic Shanghai dishes, with dim sum chefs preparing delicacies in an open kitchen. 📍半步仙小酒馆 That Year China Restaurant Richmond 一家以四川风味为主的餐馆,提供地道的川菜,适合喜欢麻辣的人群。 A Sichuan-style restaurant bringing bold and spicy flavors to classic Sichuan dishes. 📍寻秦记·大明家 Finding Xi’an Restaurant 专注于西北风味的小馆,主打西安特色菜,如油泼面、肉夹馍和各类砂锅菜。 A Northwest Chinese restaurant featuring Xi’an specialties such as hand-pulled noodles, roujiamo (Chinese-style burgers), and flavorful clay pot dishes. 📍一碗专业的麻辣烫 Spicy Pro Hot Pot 专注于麻辣烫的餐厅,可根据个人口味选择食材和辣度,口味可以食材没有大味多,有点小贵。 A restaurant specializing in customizable malatang (spicy hot pot), where you can choose ingredients and spice levels to suit your personal taste. While the flavors are balanced and the ingredients are fresh, prices are slightly on the higher side. 📍麻古奶茶 MACU TEA – Capstan Way 一家人气颇高的奶茶店,以夏季的芒果芝士奶盖饮品闻名,常常排起长队。冬季排队人数相对较少。 A trendy bubble tea shop famous for its summer mango cheese foam drinks, which draw long lines. In winter, the queues are usually shorter. 📍Pomona咖啡甜点店 Pomona Coffee 一家古早的咖啡甜品店,店内空间宽敞,适合朋友间聊天。每位客人需至少点一份饮料或糕点。菜单包括虹吸咖啡、花茶、特色咖啡甜点、帕尼尼等热食,还提供咖啡豆售卖。 A vintage-style coffee and dessert cafe with ample seating, perfect for chatting over drinks or treats. Every guest is required to order at least one item. The menu features siphon coffee, floral teas, specialty coffee desserts, paninis, and other light meals. Whole coffee beans are also available for purchase. 📍2000超市 Supermarket 2000 一家华人超市,以新鲜的蔬果著称。价格适中,偶尔会有一些较为小众的商品。每周三肉类九折优惠。 A Chinese supermarket known for its fresh produce and occasional niche products. Prices are not the cheapest, but there are weekly meat discounts (10% off every Wednesday). Twin Musicom的Bounce Ball根据知识共享署名 4.0许可授权用户使用。 来源: 音乐人:
