This is the complete first season of Ride To The End (RTTE), comprised of 10 motorcycle travel-adventure episodes documenting the travels of Tolga and Lukas, plus special guests Sasa, Mariana, and KLIM VP of Marketing John Summer, as they adventure ride through South America with the goal of “riding to the end” of the continent – from Colombia down to Ushuaia – while putting extensive testing miles on some prototype motorcycle gear (that’s coming out in Spring of 2025).
What started as a mission to test gear turned into a mini-documentary-travel series, done without a support vehicle and without a camera crew (so if these guys make mistakes, cut them some slack). And yes, they sometimes do things we wish they wouldn’t, like ride without jackets and gloves or get pulled over by the police, but we just couldn’t keep them under parental supervision every second of the day.
Stick around and subscribe for the series! Follow @klimmotorcycle on IG, FB and TikTok.