Rise & Fall of the Nazis - Episode 5: Preparing for War | History Documentary
Watch 'Rise & Fall of the Nazis - Episode 6' here: https://youtu.be/3PiRglhuxz4
In this episode:
Hitler unveils his plans for Germany's future in Europe, much to the horror of some of his generals, who believe his timetable is reckless and unrealistic. Austria, the Sudetenland, and the rest of Czechoslovakia are his first targets, followed by Poland and the Soviet Union. By 1941, he has accomplished most of his goals, and it looks like the war is essentially over.
How did Adolf Hitler and his small band of criminal conspirators persuade the German people to follow him into a nightmare of brutality, genocide, and military defeat? This 10-episode documentary chronicles how Hitler and his inner circle rose to power by exploiting the economic turmoil of their time.
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