Period of Revelation:
This Surah was revealed in 615 A. D., the year when the Romans were completely overpowered by the Persians, during the time of the Prophet's residence at Makkah. This was the same year in which the Prophet gave permission to the oppressed Muslims to migrate to Habsha.
Major Issues, Divine Laws and Guidance:
• The Roman's (Christian's) defeat at the hands of Persians (pagans) was considered by Makkans a sign of the Muslim's defeat at the hands of Arab unbelievers.
• Prophecy of the Roman's victory against Persians and the Muslims victory against the disbelievers.
• Allah has originated the creation and He will resurrect the dead for final judgement.
• Creation of Man, his Consort, Heaven, Earth, Language, Colors, Sleep, Quest for work, Lightening, • Rain and Growth of vegetation are all signs from Allah.
• Wrongdoers are those who are lead by their own appetite without real knowledge.
• True Faith Vs. Sects and shirk.
• Commandment to give relatives their due and take care of the poor and travellers in need.
• Mischief in the land is due to Man's own misdeeds.
• Allah told the Prophet: "O Prophet! You can not make the dead hear you."
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