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For day four of our Death Valley adventure ride we found ourselves camped near the Eureka sand dunes; we had to backtrack to get back onto our original route which meant another battle with the deep silt beds of the Eureka Dunes. After we made it through, we reconnected with the Saline Valley road and cruised through some beautiful terrain over to the Saline Valley Warm Springs - an amazing oasis in the middle of the desert. From there we saw remnants of the incredible engineering feat that is the Saline Valley Salt Tram while we made our way towards Lippincott Pass. At this intersection, we realized some of our bikes were low on fuel, so part of the group went up Lippincott and checked out the amazing Racetrack with it's mysterious moving rocks, while the rest of the crew headed straight back to Panamint Springs for fuel. Once we were all reunited in Panamint Springs, we hit the home stretch of around 50 miles back to our original camp of Furnace Creek where we wrapped up the trip.