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燒肉🟦 簡單做法🟦 無須疏針🟦 跟程序🟦 一定做到🟦 脆卜卜🟦 好食個酒樓🟦 調味料🟦 恰到好處🟦 唔會口乾 🟦個時過節啱曬 🟦Roast pork🟦

{越煮越好}(very good) 124,224 1 month ago
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⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 無需疏針的燒肉: 材料: 腩肉一斤 調味料: 鮑魚汁1湯匙 豉油1 1/2湯匙 生抽或五香粉1/4湯匙 (以上調味料可隨個人口味增或減) 處理: 1. 洗淨豬腩肉,擎乾水。 2. 廚紙索乾水。 3. 粗/幼鹽搽上腩肉皮,醃15分鐘。 4. 腩肉自動出水的時候,用廚紙索乾。 (將第3、第4,兩個步驟,重覆做4次。) 5. 將腩肉的底部向下,以便容易吸收調味料。 6. 不要封保鮮紙,將腩肉放在4 C雪櫃最高的一格,冷氣調至最大,將腩肉雪藏24~36小時,腩肉就會變硬。 7. 過了36小時後,腩肉已變硬,放室溫30分鐘。 8. 可以在腩肉底部橫切3刀。 9. 在豬皮上塗上白醋,1分鐘後,再搽1次白醋。 烹調: 1. 放入光波爐,調至250度,光波1個小時,每20分鐘檢查一次情況。 2. 40分鐘後,反轉底部,用175度火力,光波20分鐘,完成。 3. 攤凍10分鐘後,可以斬件,上碟。 Roasted pork in halogen cooking pot: Ingredients: Pork belly 1 catty Seasoning: Abalone sauce 1 tbsp Light soya 1 1/2 tbsp sauce Five spices 1/4 tbsp powder Steps: 1. Wash pork belly, hang dry. 2. Dry the pork belly with kitchen towel. 3. Season the pork belly with cooking or table salt for 15 minutes. 4. Waterdrops will be come out from the pork belly, use kitchen towel to absorb it. (Repeat step 3 and step 4 four times.) 5. Put the belly skin face up, this will help the belly absorb seasonings. 6. No need to use cling wrap, put it on the toppest layer of the refrigerator, then turn the temperature to the lowest in order to make the belly hard. 7. 36 hours later, the belly becomes hard, leave it in room temperature for 30 minutes. 8. Cut three times vertically at the bottom of the belly. 9. Brush white vinegar on the skin of the belly, repeat one minute later. Steps: 1. Put into halogen cooking pot, 250 C, cook for 1 hour, check the status every 20 minutes. 2. The belly has been cooked for 40 minutes, reverse to the other side, cook at 175 C for the rest 20 minutes. 3. Take the belly from halogen cooking pot, cool it down for 10 minutes. 4. Cut properly, serve. 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔵片尾影片🔵蒜蓉蒸魚翅🔵 燒肉🔥叉燒🔥燒味🔥(系列)📝 播放清單 🌈這系列全部影片都有中英文翻譯 賀年菜🧧系列🎋播放清單 🌈這系列全部影片都已有中英文翻譯 🔥🔥🔥我有4600多條片🎬大家入呢個網址 😁全部可以睇曬🙏 hip🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥I have more than 4600 movies🎬Everyone enters this URL 😁All can be viewed 🙏 hip🔥🔥 🙏如果覺得呢條片好睇😁  請幫我分享給一個朋友🙏  多謝你支持 👈🙏🤝💖😊
