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Roasted Tea Party | Summer Kitchen 嚮往的生活就是這樣熱氣騰騰!居家|小院|圍爐|煮茶|烤水果 | Summer Kitchen•夏廚陳二十【392】圍爐煮茶

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My dream winter afternoon: A group of friends sitting in a circle, a stove in the center with waves of steam soaring high and vanishing into thin air. We take our time to set up an afternoon tea party, with our all-time favorite, roasted milk tea, and my favorite, orange peel roasted white tea, and all sorts of roasted fruits. We sip the tea, bask in the cozy vibes, and catch up. Can you think of anything better? 1. Snow pear oolong tea: - Chunk the snow pear. - Puncture holes in red dates and roast them till they are slightly seared. - Add some oolong tea leaves and simmer for 3 min. 2. Roasted milk tea - Warm the tea kettle. - Roast the black tea leaves over low heat. - Add boiling water and simmer for 3 min. (About half of the jar) - Add milk to the rim and crystal sugar. - When the skin forms on top, it’s good to go. 3. Orange peel roasted white tea - Cut the orange in half. Use the orange peel as a bowl for white tea. - Roast the white tea over low heat. - Choose whatever you like to go with it. Rosebuds or sweet osmanthus. - Put the orange bowl on top and pour boiling water into it. Take it slow. 😍嚮往的生活就是這樣熱氣騰騰 ☕一桌兩凳,圍爐烤茶 【二十茶館】支棱起來了✨ 歡迎來我的小院兒喝喝茶,一飲便知冬來襲 圍爐煮茶三冬暖,日子依舊滾燙 細品人間煙火,慢度平淡歲月😎 @你最好的朋友,讓ta給你安排一次圍爐煮茶吧! 😍煮茶菜譜: @你最好的朋友,讓ta給你安排一次圍爐煮茶 我先把煮茶配比放這兒啦,嘻嘻嘻嘻…… ✨1.烏龍雪梨茶: 把雪梨切塊,紅棗扎眼方便入味,再放入烤爐烤成微焦即可 放入和雪梨一塊煮出味兒,最後再放入烏龍茶咕嘟3分鐘即可 ✨2.烤奶茶:先給茶壺烤溫,再放入紅茶葉烘香,要聞到香味的程度~ 加入一半的開水煮3分鐘,牛奶加滿,加入適量冰糖,烤出奶皮就闊以啦 ✨3.橘子烤白茶:橘子對半切開,取皮做碗來裝白茶,放在烤爐上文火烘香 茶壺可以放入桂花或者玫瑰花等多種口味 烤好的茶葉放置茶壺頂部,緩慢倒入開水沖泡,就可以get不同口味的花茶啦 ✨還想知道爐火烤的美食?那可多了,烤奶茶,烤棉花,烤柿子,烤紅薯~萬物皆可烤~ ============= 夏廚,不僅僅是下廚。官方頻道,歡迎訂閱! Subscribe please. ➡️ ============= #SummerKitchen #milktea #烤奶茶 #圍爐烤茶 #烤紅薯 #烤棉花 #cooking #家常菜 #howto #foodrecipe #masak #Chinesefood #夏廚陳二十 #做飯 #美食節目 #美食教程 #afternoontea #herbaltea #roasttea
