With director Robert Eggers’ new movie, Nosferatu, set to debut on Christmas Day, CineFix sat down with the director to talk about his favorite shots and sequences from all his films: The Witch, The Lighthouse, The Northman, and Nosferatu.
With The Witch, Robert Eggers talked about his favorite long shot that brought a momentary sense of peace to the film. For the Lighthouse, Robert Eggers discusses the lenses he used, and how he designed the titular lighthouse to account for this complex dolly shot. On The Northman, Robert Eggers is most proud of the village raid sequense and talks extensively about that. With his new film Nosferatu, Robert is remaking one of his favorite films of all time. He discusses how he was inspired by previous versions of Nosferatu and what he was trying to do differently in his new film.
Robert also talks to us about a shot he liked from another movie. His movie of choice? Andrei Tarkovsky’s Mirror.