Lets go shopping! Join me as I show you all the best shops to visit in Akihabara for your anime goods fix! I also highlight those important bathroom spots!
This is part one, where I focus on the Radio Kaikan building where you can find lots of S.H.Figuarts, Figma, Mafex, and more! Next time we check out shops down the main street before winding around to some hidden spots!
Part 2:
Spots Visited:
1. Tamashii Nation Tokyo Showroom
Bonus: Atre (bathroom, 2nd & 3rd floor)
2. RadioKaikan Building
- Top spots: Amiami, Yellow Submarine, Kaiyodo Store, Akiba-X
Key Words:
中古品 (ちゅうこひん) - chuukohin: second hand
新品 (しんぴん) - shinpin: new item
開封 (かいふう) - kaifuu: opened
未開封 (みかいふう) - mikaifuu: unopened
買取 (かいとり)- kaitori: buying
傷あり・きずあり・キズあり (きずあり) - kizuari: damaged
汚れ (よごれ) - yogore: dirty
欠品 (けっぴん) - keppin: out of stock
品切れ (しなきれ) - shinakire: out of stock
レジ (れじ) - reji: register
トイレ (といれ) - toire: toilet
予約 (よやく) - yoyaku: preorder
在庫有り (ざいこあり) - zaikoari: instock
在庫なし・在庫無し (ざいこなし) - zaikonashi: no stock
一人一個 (ひとりいっこ) - hitori ikko: one per person
Discord: Global DB SHFiguarts Collectors
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