Rocky Mountain Railroad: Episode 8 - The Longest Journey | FD Real Show
Watch 'Rocky Mountain Railroad - Episode 1' here:
To celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, a vintage luxury passenger train—the Royal Canadian Pacific—is making an historic cross-country journey. With 26 days, 13 cities, and a high-profile rendezvous with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, nothing can stand in its way.
During an overhaul on a massive swing bridge, the crew struggles to install a new rail. Replacing a major switch means shutting down the main line for six hours. A dangling cable and a broken rail threaten to bring the historic train to a halt. Meanwhile, patrolling the rails in Kamloops, CP police constables Mike and Dave find themselves in a high-speed chase. And, after a troubled start on the railroad, newbie Jimmy steps up his game.
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